Outdoor Patio

landscaping sand patio pavers outdoor furniture

Another yard project is more or less done. Yesterday I dug up all the existing pavers that were spread through our front & back yard (there were over 110), with the intention of laying them out to make a detached patio so that our outdoor furniture would stop sinking into the mud.  Continue reading “Outdoor Patio”

Flower Garden

flower bed mosquito repelling plants landscaping lavender marigolds painted japanese fern

Matt & I have each put in at least 2 full days of work on the yard this week (Chris has helped when she can), but there’s still a lot more to do. This project is essentially finished though – we dug up the existing flower bed, lowered it, added some garden soil, planted new things, and mulched it. We will probably add more mulch at some time in the future, because one end looked a little lower than the other, but we want the plants to grow a bit first. We removed about 6″ of soil from the bed so that it would be flush with the sidewalk and not spilling over it, and we used the removed soil to fill low spots in the back from the drainage project (now that it has rained several times and the dug soil has compacted again). Most of the plants are lavender or marigolds, which are both supposed to be mosquito repellant plants. I’m going to grab James & head off to Home Depot soon and see if I can finish another project during his nap today.

Busy Weekend

tunnel playground father son family walk daddy blog

The past few days have been a whirlwind, with very little recovery time. Lots of family & yard work. The picture was taken at the bigger playground at the same park as the previous entry. Chris & I both got sunburn from the walk. Matt & I’s arms are also covered in scratches & missing chunks of skin from working on the yard, but we got done what we wanted to before the rain hit.  Continue reading “Busy Weekend”